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Holiday Giving
At the end of the day, all parents want a bright future for their kids.
This Holiday Season we raised $13,187. YOU showed up big for our community and we couldn't be happier. Your donation directly supports parents of children with disabilities in becoming their child’s greatest advocate. Thanks to you, families of children with disabilities are one step closer to that bright future they deserve.

Meet Rosa & Yariel
"I'm Yariel's sponge," said Rosa when referring to her eagerness to absorb knowledge to help support her son, Yariel. Like many parents, Rosa took matters into her own hands upon receiving Yariel's, diagnosis.
As a result of attending our Special Education Course, Rosa had the tools and knowledge to turn her worries into action. Now, Rosa is confident and comfortable in her ability to advocate for Yariel.
At the end of the day, what Rosa most wants for Yariel, is "to see him succeed. I want to see him finish a career and be independent because I won't always be there for him."
Meet Rajiv & Arman
Arman is soft-spoken and honest. When his father, Rajiv, received his son's Autism diagnosis from his school, Rajiv and his family had a lot of unanswered questions and nowhere to turn to. That's when he went looking for answers and found VELA.
"As a result of joining VELA's Autism Course, I have an easier time advocating for him and feel better prepared to tackle any situation." VELA gives a platform to parents who feel unequipped and overwhelmed. With the tools and resources VELA provides, Rajiv is ready to pave a path for Arman's future alongside him.
At the end of the day, what Rajiv most wants for Arman, is for him to "lead a healthy social life."

Meet Robert & Christopher
"Christopher is very loving and extroverted." These are the words Robert used to describe his son, Christopher. After Robert got Christopher’s diagnosis, Robert felt uncertainty and distress. “I just don’t want him to be discriminated against and I want him to lead a cheerful life.”
He joined our virtual Caregiver Wellness Course
from California to learn how to support his son and himself. Upon completion, Robert learned that "Taking care of myself means taking care of those I love most. I need to take my time."
At the end of the day, what Robert most wants for Christopher, is "for him to have an encouraging future where he has the same opportunities as everyone else."
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